It's been a long time since I posted. This is because the life of a working mom with two kids essentially means that there is not a moment of down time. If there is down time, then I'm ready to sleep. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mom, but the working part of it has really kicked my ass this time around. I feel like I transitioned back to work okay after I had Emma. Maybe that was because after maternity leave, I went back to work at the beginning of a new school year. My two months back to work have been HARD. I can't sugar coat it. I just had my ninth IEP meeting since being back. Work has been so busy.
And now another few weeks have gone by and I am trying, yet AGAIN, to update this dang thing! I guess I better get my thoughts out quickly. I have been off the past two weeks for Spring Break and it has been amazing! Larry and I spent a few days in Santa Barbara just the two of us. We realized that the last time just the two of us had gone away was for my birthday when Emma was about 1 1/2, so 2 years ago. Even then we just spent an evening away at a hotel in San Diego. Santa Barbara was about as far as I could stand to be. I loved the time away and sleeping several hours straight and taking a shower without seeing the face of either of my children. Although our conversations even when we're away often involved Emma or Oliver, it was nice to reconnect with my amazing husband. After 13 years together, there is no doubt that I love him more and more each day! We visited Lotusland in Santa Barbara per recommendation of a friend (thank you Ben Wexlar). It is difficult to explain but it is beautiful. Maybe some day I will actually download pics from our trip.
Check it is worth the trip.
So while getting away was just what Larry and I needed, I missed the kids like crazzzzzzzy. The trip would have been a bit easier if I didn't have to still pump every 3 hours. Yeah, super romantic. =/ After more weeks than I could count of shitty sleep at night, I felt sort of guilty leaving Oliver. I was eager to get home to my little angels and was sure to smother them with kisses.
One of the big focus points of conversation while we were gone was "WOW, it is CRAZY how fast the kids are growing up!" Emma will already be 4 next month (going on 15!) and Oliver is already 5 months and growing so darn fast at a whopping 18 lbs already!
1 month old |
2 months old |
3 months old |
4 months old |
5 months old |
5 months old: 1st school picture =) |
I'm not sure if it's because he's our second or because he's a boy or because he's "my baby" but I feel like the time is really flying by with Oliver. On top of being a big boy eating some new foods (sweet potatoes, banana, oatmeal, peas and carrot), he is also rolling both directions. He is pretty lazy about moving and it must be pretty challenging to roll over with those tree trunk legs, but he does a pretty good job! He can sit on his own for 2-3 minutes. My favorite thing about him is that he is pretty much always smiling and laughing. He really is a happy guy. He especially loves watching his sister.
The older she gets, the more Emma is becoming my mini-me. I laugh about it on most occasions, but sometimes it's pretty freaky how much of a carbon copy she is. =) I love her for all of her spirit and spunk! She still goes to dance class once a week so that's always the start to our crazy Saturdays, running her to and from class. This is often intermixed with a birthday party or weekend playdate. Her social calendar keeps me pretty busy! =)
My ballerina |
Work those abs girl |
Move out of the way of the tapping train! |
Who isn't happy in front of a wall of mirrors!? |
There is no doubt about it....our life is busy, a bit crazy at times but I love it. There isn't really ever any down time. There certainly isn't time for myself. I will say that every moment, no matter HOW busy, is filled with love and laughter. My house may be a complete and utter disaster but it is a home. My brain may be the most forgetful waste of space, but my focus is my kids now. They will still live even if mommy can't find her wallet or loses her car keys at Target. And the world will still go on even if I manage to walk out of the house without a bra. It's a crazy life but it's the only life I know now.