Monday, May 28, 2012

The Name Game

So it is official. We found out on Monday that Baby Bean is in fact a healthy little boy! I guess my instincts were 100% correct on this one! Emma was slightly disappointed that it wasn't a girl, but she is getting used to telling people that she is having a baby brother.

The only downfall to having a boy is choosing a name. After working in special ed for nearly 10 years with a primarily boy population, 98% of names are just OUT. There is NO WAY I wanted to be reminded of certain traumatic events based on a student of my past. This unfortunately rules out several names that I used to really love. This means no Dylan, no Dominic, no Noah, no Jacob, no Spencer....the list goes on and on. And on. Sigh. When it comes to naming a boy, we had to be VERY careful not to select something that the poor child would get teased over for the rest of his life. No lame acronym. Something strong. Ugh. I swore we would never decide. Here's how most conversations wound up...
 "How about Drew?"
"Nope. Drew Lui sounds like someone with a speech impediment trying to say 'jewelry'."
 "Give up on  that one babe. It's NEVER going to happen."
"You had a kid named Von?"
"No, but the name is ridiculous. I promise if we ever get a dog, you can name it Von."
Lol. "Not unless you want me to be reminded of getting smacked in the face while helping him clean up soup that was thrown all over the floor while he shouted "April Fool's."
"Love the name. Always will. Too bad he's one of the biggest buttheads in my class right now."
"Well, we liked Brendan when we were waiting to find out if Emma was a boy or girl. Is that still an option?"
"Nope. Been three years since then and I've met one that I don't care for."

I swore it was HOPELESS. Our child was just going to have to go by Bean. Mr. Bean. Bean Lui. Why not? Much better than everything else we were coming up with. I flashed back to a dream I had very early on in pregnancy. I actually just spent the past 10 minutes trying to dig up the conversation Larry and I actually had regarding this on Facebook while I was visiting family for Spring Break. Here's the convo from April 5th.
    • I keep going back to the name Oliver
    • Oliver Michael Lui
  • Larry Lui
    • oh, what about Bryce
  • Maile Lui
    • Neutral again
    • Maybe Bryson ?
    • But I like Oliver
  • Maile Lui
    • That's what we were calling the baby in my dream last night
  • Larry Lui
    • lol
  • Maile Lui
    • K gonna run babe. Ttyl luv u

      So mid-last week, Larry says, "I like Oliver. I think it will fit him."
      So the name game is over. Oliver Michael Lui it is! =) Oliver and Emma. I love it!


  1. Cute story and a great name! So happy for you guys!!

  2. We are looking forward to welcoming Oliver Michael Lui into the family. I LOVE the name!!! I know that you don't like nicknames but "Ollie" is cute when he is young. Emma is going to be the best BIG SISTER ever.

    Love you.
    Mom and Raimond

  3. I'da voted for Drew Lui!!! Drewlui!!!! I love your new Drewlui!!!
