Monday, July 16, 2012

Grumpy Mama

Well, this WAS going to start off as a happy post of all of the fun things Emma and I have been doing together (birthday parties, playdates, Sea World, beach). However, I have now decided to make it the grumpy mom post because that is how I feel today. My emotions have been relatively even keeled during this pregnancy but I've gotta keep it real. My shit is unraveling today. Here is a list of my bitches of the day:

1) My pinchy neck is killing me. My neck has been all outta whack for the past two weeks. Should be an easy fix with a visit to the chiropractor, but he selfishly decided to take a vacation for crying out loud. He's got some nerve going to Norway during the summer. Sheesh. The only reason my neck hurts so bad is because of the glory of sleeping on my side all the time. Hooray. He said I could make an appointment with another doctor in his office while he was gone, but quite honestly, I'm not really a doctor whore. It takes me awhile to get comfortable with people so having Eugene Levy's creepy look alike adjust me while pregnant just makes me nervous. Needless to say, I am pillow shopping in the meantime. Please don't suggest some sort of preggo body pillow either. They suck. So many people rave about them. I tried one while pregnant with Emma and hated it. And I super hate it still. And Eugene Levy still creeps me out.

2) Well my neck hurts and I have to pee all the time again, so I am not sleeping very well. Fortunately I'm not working right now, but it still sucks to feel dang tired all the time.

3) The office explosion is making me insane. If you've been to Casa Lui, you have likely seen the "office o throw up". Not having a garage is great for the additional living space but sucky when it comes to storage. We technically have a four bedroom house but use the third bedroom as a spare room and keep the office open for storing random shit. Well, obviously Mr. Oliver will be occupying room #3 so the office needs to become habitable again. I don't know where to start. There is just so much shit. It's a sneak peek into my life on an episode of Hoarders. Except I'm not a Hoarder. Let's just say that Larry still owns shirts from when we first started dating. Yeah, that was thirteen years ago. Nuff said. The office needs a major intervention. Don't worry, there isn't any food or fecal matter to be found in there. (And this isn't an ACTUAL picture of the office, which I'm too embarrassed to post on here!)

4) Emma's daycare drop off was a bit rough today. =( After a wonderful first week at her new school, today there were almost tears. When I picked her up last Friday, she said, "Mom, I love my new school! It's so fun." Today, not so much. More like "Mom, please don't leave me. I feel scared." To her credit, her teacher wasn't there this morning and she had never seen the sub before. And here it goes, if I'm going to keep it real, I'm going to say it....she fit the stereotypical bill of a true east county woman, missing a few (or more) teeth from her grill. Nice as could be BUT a little scary. After 10 minutes of heavy clinging, she ventured off. They mentioned to me when I picked her up that she had a bit of an emotional morning. Yeah, so did I.

5) After getting home from crappy drop off, sitting in the middle of the office crying at the disaster before me, the doctor's office called. F*@$! I KNEW this was regarding my one hour glucose test from Friday. Yep, failed. Awesome, get to go back Wednesday for the 3 hour. Hooray.

So those are my bitches and here is how I problem solved them.....

I said eff it to any organizational tasks and plopped my ass on the couch and immersed myself into episodes of "Parenthood" on Hulu. Pretty good show. The kid with Asperger's made me briefly think about WORK, but then I stopped and went back to vegging out. I vegged until I decided I needed a milkshake to cheer me up. I am usually pretty partial to Carl's Jr. Oreo shakes, but the Java Cookie shake from Jack in the Box has been rather delicious lately. So to celebrate my glucose test failure, I set out for a milkshake and am now happily snuggling with my pumpkin on the couch. Life isn't bad, but life isn't ME without a little bitching sometimes. =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sweetie, I am so sorry you and Emma didn't have a very good day. :( I know your hormones and emotions are all over the place. Even though it looks hopeless, it isn't. You are looking at the "big" picture and you just need to take baby steps. Even sitting on the couch with your milkshake, I am sure you were thinking how am I going to get this room done. I will be down there in a few weeks to help so don't get stressed.

    I also know once your neck is adjusted, things will look a lot better.

    Love you,
