Friday, July 5, 2013

Like Looking Into a Mirror

Four years have come and gone and I can't believe my "little" girl is already four. Yeah yeah I know it's July and her birthday was in May but this is the best you're gonna get these days! lol So here are the boring stats....33 lbs and just shy of 41 in tall. She is a total stringbean and only managed to gain 2 lbs since her 3 year check up but has grown almost 4 inches. Emma continues to be the worlds pickiest eater and this was my only concern with the pediatrician. Ms. Jennifer looked at me, smiled and said, "She is the product of YOU (while looking me up and down with a smile). Genetics are a big factor. Don't worry". I guess she's right. All legs, just like her mama. =)
She needed a finger prick to check her iron and two combo vaccines (dTap/Polio, MMR/Varicella). Since she seemed to be getting a cold the day before her appointment, I opted to just do one of the vaccinations and deal with the second one next year before kindergarten. We spent the morning bonding at breakfast and getting our nails done to soften the blow of having to get a shot. I told her it would hurt a bit but once the hurt part was over it was easy peasy. For a child that has dealt with CHRONIC constipation since she was a baby, she was able to relate this to a big poop, you know, once you pushed out the big log the hurt part was over and then it was no big deal. Glad we can relate shots to shit now. Got her through it though. She cried only 1 tear. =)
Low and behold, the day after the shot, she had a low grade fever and her cold turned into an icky cough/fever. She shook the fever after a day or two, while the cough and runny nose have annoyingly lingered. She toughed it out for a funfilled weekend with The Ratners (photos to come soon!). I am glad to at least not be working and get to spend time with her at home while she recuperates without worrying about missing work. 
The older she gets and the more she tests me and frustrates me, I see more and more that she really is a miniature version of me. It's actually kind of scary. Sometimes Emma will say something and Larry will laugh and look at me, "She is SO your kid." I guess there are worse things in the world. =) Here are some photos....

She wanted "rainbow" so she got rainbow indeed!

 Just jumpin around

 About to devour her rainbow cupcake

 Spent almost the whole day running around!

And playing tennis

 She is super focused!

 Time out for a photo with brother! I love them both SOOOOO much!

 Caught red-handed! PoPo giving Oliver candy at 6 months old. Shame shame shame!

 UNLIKE her mother, this child LOVES frosting!

 Present explosion

 Our "annual" Mother's Day pose...except she's giant now! I could barely hold her up. And yes, those are my busted toes that still needed to be taped two months after I broke them. My little ball of energy "may" have jumped on them a few times. Ouch.

 My sweet ballerina waiting for dress rehearsal. The ONLY perk of the class mom shenanigans was getting to hang out with my girl. Otherwise, note to self: NEVER get suckered into that crap again!

 Yep, that's my Dork-a-hontas with the silly pose

Sigh. I am blessed to have been able to experience the past four years with this beautiful, intelligent, strong willed, independent, loving little girl. I can't imagine life without her spunk and tenacity. Love you always always always Emma Kalai!!!

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