Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3 Year Stats and the "Funny Heart"

We spent A LOT of time at the doctor when this sweet girl was a baby. It was sort of ridiculous. Ear infection after ear infection. We became pretty chummy with her PA, Ms. Jennifer. Don't get me wrong, I like the lady, but I was pretty sick of seeing her on at least a monthly basis. I was convinced that after all that time at the doctor, I deserved to have a kindergartner with perfect attendance. Well, I got what I asked for (knocking on every piece of wood in sight as we speak) and I had the preschooler with perfect attendance. Emma has not visited the doctor since her two year wellness visit! During that time, Ms. Jennifer became pregnant, gave birth to a very cute baby boy, was out on maternity leave for 12 weeks and has since returned to work. Needless to say, she was in shock to see how much bigger (and talkative!) my child was! Emma did great at her appointment. She is officially built like her mama (well, pre-Oliver, of course!)

* 38 inches tall (65th percentile)
* 30 pounds (35th percentile)

Tall and skinny. Legs like a chicken. No butt. Gotta love her! =)

At this appointment, she had to do a vision and hearing test. She did great on both. I have to agree with her, the eye chart they used (see below) had a weird shape on it. When they pointed and asked Emma what the second shape from the left was, I stared at it and the first thought in my head was , "Well, wtf is that?!". Emma's response was classic...."I think it's a heart. But it's a funny heart. Maybe it's 'posed to be an apple." Each time they pointed to that shape afterwards, she said it was a "funny heart". Who puts an ambiguous ass shape like that on a CHILDREN'S eye chart?  Circle. Sure. Even a house is acceptable. But a weird, heart/apple situation that even IIII couldn't decipher...shenanigans I say!


She did not have to get any shots at this visit, although she will tell you she did. They had to do a finger prick to check her iron levels. She actually did great and didn't even cry. She definitely gave the nurse a dirty look, but no tears. She was so proud of herself and shouted, "Mom, I was so brave!" She was happily rewarded with two UmiZoomi stickers (don't Nick Jr!) and a green lollipop. 

It's been a busy week sans daddy. Oliver has been acting up and I've been having a shit-load of Braxton Hicks. Yeah, I get it...slow down. Try to get the mother of a 3 year old to do that. Lol. The highlight of the week was a trip to Mission Bay to visit my friend Emily and her son Mavrick. I planned on making a quick stop on the way home from picking Emma up from school. I was NOT well-prepared for the beach. No beach bag. No bathing suit. No sunscreen. Emma immediately ran into the water and got her shorts all wet. I asked if she wanted to take off her shorts and just wear her chonies. Well, this is how she chose to roll. More power to her. Got love those sweet, innocent little cheeks! =) (Yes, she will likely kill me when she's older, but it is soooo worth it!) Happy summer everyone!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Things to Love

Magic Mike is coming out at the end of the week. Channing Tatum....gasp. He would be my husband in another life. Larry granted me permission to have an affair with him if the opportunity ever came up.

Summer is here!

My daughter is the sweetest, most amazing thing in the world! I was away from her to celebrate a good friend's bachelorette party on Friday and Saturday and I REALLY missed her. All day today, she smothered me with kisses and kept telling me how much she missed me. *sigh*

I'm on vacation until the end of August! I even had to turn in my keys, so I CAN'T work! I've been in education for the past 10 years and this is the first summer EVER that I have off. I am really really really looking forward to it.

I feel great being pregnant and am thoroughly enjoying feeling the little kicks of my boy. =) Emma and daddy have felt his kicks too and Emma thinks it is the funniest thing ever!

I love the thought of being a mom. I especially love the thought of having the honor of being the mother of 2 soon. A daughter AND a son. Yes, it is an honor. Not a day goes by where I don't think about several people in my life who are worthy and ready for a baby and things just haven't been working out. My heart aches about this for many of my friends, but it also forces me to remember that I CANNOT AND WILL NOT TAKE MY KIDS FOR GRANTED! I am blessed to get this experience.

Dancing and watching my girl dance make me so happy! She had her last dance recital at the San Diego Fair this morning. The bleachers and floor were packed with people. I wasn't sure how she'd do, but I was so proud of her. She will miss Ms. Jennifer from Wee Dance. Thursday will be her last class since she is moving to her new school at the beginning of July. She has really enjoyed shaking her booty and moving!

For some reason, it won't let me embed the video, so just click on the link below to see her dancing at the fair. =) In case you couldn't tell, she's the little peanut all the way on the right. Just for the record, the "high performing" dancers next to her have just turned 5 so they are 2 years older than her.

It was hard to video tape and watch her so I will admit that I didn't do the BEST job taping. =(

Finally, this photo. It makes me laugh. Emma, Larry and I went to hang out with the Zapatas on Father's Day last weekend. Emma loves Nicolas, who is almost exactly a year younger than her. Clearly, she loves him. His face indicates that this might not be a mutual feeling. I can't wait to see her as a big sister.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

23 Weeks and a Stupid Parent

Well, I notice the boobs more than the belly at this point! It was graduation for my fifth graders today and I grossly underestimated my size. I planned on wearing a different dress but couldn't stuff ANY quadrant of my body into it. =( Given that I had to stand on stage and didn't want anyone looking up my dress, this old school dress was my only option. However, I HAD to wear a tank top under it and a cardigan thingy over it. Cleavage clearly was not the professional choice for a graduation. In the attempts to cover "the girls", I popped the strap on my dress and spent the morning before work sewing it back together. Oh the joys of turning into a barn!

Oliver has started to get more active and Larry has finally started to feel his kicks. He's mostly a kicker and at least a bit calmer than his sister was at this point. I'm still feeling pretty good. I've started getting Braxton Hicks contractions already so I'm paying more attention to my water intake. The bright side is...I only have 2 more days of work and then it will be time to relax. Besides the graduation, here was the highlight of my work day...

A prospective parent came by to observe my classroom for her son next year.  When she saw that I was clearly pregnant she made a circular motion in front of my belly and in her snotty voice said' "well thiiiissss is going to be a problem! It's not your fault really but I don't think my son will deal well with a sub being in here for part of the year." Yeah, I get it, but she didn't have to be so damn rude about it. Sheesh, I'll have at least 14 other kids that are going to have to deal with it! Ugh, clearly I am short tempered and ready for summer vacation! It's not like I don't plan on preparing my students. I find it amazing that people think teachers should do nothing to interfere with the lives of their students in order to have their OWN lives. I sorta wanted to smack the bitch but opted to give her a fake smile and graciously return to my students. Eff her! She's lucky I was letting her observe my class on a totally unstructured, last week, cracked out student graduation day! Ugh, I know I'll wind up with her. Oh well. *sigh*

Well, I am sort of regretting the Cinnabon that was calling my name because Oliver is kicking up a storm now, but I am going to make a valiant effort to get to bed soon. This "end of the year" crap is making me so tired. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Big Things

        It was an eventful week in our house. My little mister decided to give mama a bit of a scare. Well HE wasn't necessarily giving me the scare. On Monday I was feeling short of breath, like bricks were on my chest. It wasn't a big deal, besides getting winded and feeling a bit dizzy so I put in a non-urgent call to the nurse hotline. Long story short, be careful about what you say. ANY indication of breathing difficulties will wind you up in the pinchy ER because of the increased risk of pulmonary embolism during pregnancy (aka. blood clot in the lung). Everything checked out FINE and the baby is great. Kept me at home for a few days for rest and extra fluids. Honestly it was really more of a pain in my ass than I would have liked to go through (tons of bloodwork, xrays, ct scan, IV), which means lots of needles. Not a fan of those! But again, all is well and I'm back to the grind. 8 1/2 more days until my last glorious day of work and then two months off. I CANNOT wait! I would seriously die if I ever got put on bed rest because I was so bored sitting at home "resting".

It seems like Emma is growing in leaps and bounds. She is such a mature, sweet girl. Here she is cleaning her play table this past weekend. She then proceeded to dust her bedroom and was so proud. Such a little mama!

Clean machine!

 21 weeks. Wowzers my boy is getting bigger!

 My big girl riding the horse at Chuck E Cheese. After LOTS of prodding, Larry and Emma convinced me to go with them. I HATE crowded kid places. Especially obnoxious, running around unsupervised kid places. But we went at 9:30 in the morning so it wasn't so bad.

 Big ride with daddy!

My big belly and my big girl. Cost me two Sour Patch Kids to get her to take a photo!

 Emma's big teddy bear from Uncle Kenny that she got for her birthday. This thing is gigantic.

 Emma got a new big girl bed last weekend as well so we could use the crib/toddler bed for her brother. Yes, she loves Toy Story and chose these sheets on her own. I swore she would choose princesses, but this is what she went with. Building this bed could have been part of the reason I got so out of breath last Monday!
Big girl chillin' on her bed. She is growing up so quickly!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Girl's Weekend

Larry went to Big Sur to go camping over Memorial Day weekend, so I got to spend a lovely girl's weekend with Ms. Emma. As tiring as it can be sometimes, I love spending time with her! We ended up going to Summer's Past Farms for a picnic with Tash, Kayla and Annabella. Here's a sweet photo of the girls looking at the tiny fairy garden.



Someone is SOOO ready to be a  big sister!

Emma decided to get up right as I took a pic of both her and Kayla
 having simultaneous pout fests! lol

At some point Emma walked barefoot through a bunch of nettles. Lots of tears and tweezers at home, I removed all 40 little thorns from her feet. =(

We decided to go on a zoo trip as well. I was SHOCKED when she actually asked to go pet the goats!


Annnnd a trip to the park!

Followed by a glorious popsicle!

And mommy's 19 week belly shot. This boy sure is sitting loooooow, much different than how high I carried Emma. It was a great weekend but it was nice to go back to a two-parent household!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby Oliver's First Photos

Here is our sweet baby boy, kicking mommy in the side! The two spots by his face are his punching hands. =)

 Scary skeleton face and his big belly. It was the one time he turned outward. He was facing my back almost the whole time.

 A close up of his big head smelling the placenta

 Legs in constant motion, just like his sister!

 There's my favorite part....the tiny feet and toes!


There's your proof everyone. As the ultrasound tech said, that is 100% "outdoor plumbing". =)