Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Girl's Weekend

Larry went to Big Sur to go camping over Memorial Day weekend, so I got to spend a lovely girl's weekend with Ms. Emma. As tiring as it can be sometimes, I love spending time with her! We ended up going to Summer's Past Farms for a picnic with Tash, Kayla and Annabella. Here's a sweet photo of the girls looking at the tiny fairy garden.



Someone is SOOO ready to be a  big sister!

Emma decided to get up right as I took a pic of both her and Kayla
 having simultaneous pout fests! lol

At some point Emma walked barefoot through a bunch of nettles. Lots of tears and tweezers at home, I removed all 40 little thorns from her feet. =(

We decided to go on a zoo trip as well. I was SHOCKED when she actually asked to go pet the goats!


Annnnd a trip to the park!

Followed by a glorious popsicle!

And mommy's 19 week belly shot. This boy sure is sitting loooooow, much different than how high I carried Emma. It was a great weekend but it was nice to go back to a two-parent household!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the two of you had a great weekend together. She is really becoming quite adventureous, isn't she? Keeping Mommy very busy. I can't imagine what it is going to look like with two. Emma is going to make the BEST Big sister EVER!!!

    Love you.
