It was an eventful week in our house. My little mister decided to give mama a bit of a scare. Well HE wasn't necessarily giving me the scare. On Monday I was feeling short of breath, like bricks were on my chest. It wasn't a big deal, besides getting winded and feeling a bit dizzy so I put in a non-urgent call to the nurse hotline. Long story short, be careful about what you say. ANY indication of breathing difficulties will wind you up in the pinchy ER because of the increased risk of pulmonary embolism during pregnancy (aka. blood clot in the lung). Everything checked out FINE and the baby is great. Kept me at home for a few days for rest and extra fluids. Honestly it was really more of a pain in my ass than I would have liked to go through (tons of bloodwork, xrays, ct scan, IV), which means lots of needles. Not a fan of those! But again, all is well and I'm back to the grind. 8 1/2 more days until my last glorious day of work and then two months off. I CANNOT wait! I would seriously die if I ever got put on bed rest because I was so bored sitting at home "resting".
It seems like Emma is growing in leaps and bounds. She is such a mature, sweet girl. Here she is cleaning her play table this past weekend. She then proceeded to dust her bedroom and was so proud. Such a little mama!

Clean machine!
21 weeks. Wowzers my boy is getting bigger!
My big girl riding the horse at Chuck E Cheese. After LOTS of prodding, Larry and Emma convinced me to go with them. I HATE crowded kid places. Especially obnoxious, running around unsupervised kid places. But we went at 9:30 in the morning so it wasn't so bad.
Big ride with daddy!
My big belly and my big girl. Cost me two Sour Patch Kids to get her to take a photo!
Emma's big teddy bear from Uncle Kenny that she got for her birthday. This thing is gigantic.
Emma got a new big girl bed last weekend as well so we could use the crib/toddler bed for her brother. Yes, she loves Toy Story and chose these sheets on her own. I swore she would choose princesses, but this is what she went with. Building this bed could have been part of the reason I got so out of breath last Monday!
Big girl chillin' on her bed. She is growing up so quickly!
Well it looks like our grandson likes to get attention too. What a scary time but it is better to be safe than sorry. Emma is growing up way too fast. She is definitely a mama's helper. Gotta love her for that. So sweet and innocent. If you start now, maybe she will be able to diaper Oliver for you when he is born. :-).
Mom and Raimond