Monday, May 28, 2012

The Name Game

So it is official. We found out on Monday that Baby Bean is in fact a healthy little boy! I guess my instincts were 100% correct on this one! Emma was slightly disappointed that it wasn't a girl, but she is getting used to telling people that she is having a baby brother.

The only downfall to having a boy is choosing a name. After working in special ed for nearly 10 years with a primarily boy population, 98% of names are just OUT. There is NO WAY I wanted to be reminded of certain traumatic events based on a student of my past. This unfortunately rules out several names that I used to really love. This means no Dylan, no Dominic, no Noah, no Jacob, no Spencer....the list goes on and on. And on. Sigh. When it comes to naming a boy, we had to be VERY careful not to select something that the poor child would get teased over for the rest of his life. No lame acronym. Something strong. Ugh. I swore we would never decide. Here's how most conversations wound up...
 "How about Drew?"
"Nope. Drew Lui sounds like someone with a speech impediment trying to say 'jewelry'."
 "Give up on  that one babe. It's NEVER going to happen."
"You had a kid named Von?"
"No, but the name is ridiculous. I promise if we ever get a dog, you can name it Von."
Lol. "Not unless you want me to be reminded of getting smacked in the face while helping him clean up soup that was thrown all over the floor while he shouted "April Fool's."
"Love the name. Always will. Too bad he's one of the biggest buttheads in my class right now."
"Well, we liked Brendan when we were waiting to find out if Emma was a boy or girl. Is that still an option?"
"Nope. Been three years since then and I've met one that I don't care for."

I swore it was HOPELESS. Our child was just going to have to go by Bean. Mr. Bean. Bean Lui. Why not? Much better than everything else we were coming up with. I flashed back to a dream I had very early on in pregnancy. I actually just spent the past 10 minutes trying to dig up the conversation Larry and I actually had regarding this on Facebook while I was visiting family for Spring Break. Here's the convo from April 5th.
    • I keep going back to the name Oliver
    • Oliver Michael Lui
  • Larry Lui
    • oh, what about Bryce
  • Maile Lui
    • Neutral again
    • Maybe Bryson ?
    • But I like Oliver
  • Maile Lui
    • That's what we were calling the baby in my dream last night
  • Larry Lui
    • lol
  • Maile Lui
    • K gonna run babe. Ttyl luv u

      So mid-last week, Larry says, "I like Oliver. I think it will fit him."
      So the name game is over. Oliver Michael Lui it is! =) Oliver and Emma. I love it!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Celebrating Three Years with My Boogie!

Here is the birthday girl celebrating turning three!

Here I was....three years ago. The best day of my life. Emma looked at this photo Friday morning and said, "Mama, that is not me! That's not my face." Me: "Yes it is baby. That's the day you came out of mommy's tummy." Emma: "Um, mom, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm growing up!"

*sigh* It has happened so fast and just like a flash my baby girl is now 3. I can't believe it. =( I looked back at a post that I wrote when she was just a few months old and thought I'd re-post it here to see if any of my initial thoughts had changed at all.

1. Flat out, I LOVE being a mom. I look at Emma and am SO filled with happiness. I spend a bagillion hours a day with her, but I never get tired of looking at her. She is just amazing. 
Well, I still pretty much love her like crazy.

2. Emma is a pretty great baby, most of the time. Until I figured out the issues with the foods in my diet, Emma had some pretty crazy tummy issues. I didn't realize how fussy that made her until I see how calm she can be now. Poor baby just couldn't tell me what it was upsetting her. So this whole experience has made me feel a TON of emotions.

Good mom because......breastfeeding is the "BEST" thing for your baby
Bad mom because.........something that I am personally eating is upsetting my poor child
Good mom because......I worked SO hard to figure out the whole diet thing and she is better!
Bad mom because.........I sometimes feel so pissed about all of the things I can't eat.
Good mom because......I have persevered through this whole complicated job of being Emma's provider of food.
Bad mom because.........I think about giving up breastfeeding on a daily basis

Yeah, no one really explained to me how challenging breast feeding can really be. Fortunately Emma takes bottles from daddy every night now, so I have a break from having to feed her ALL the time. I sometimes feel that formula would be so much easier.
It is nice to reflect on how difficult breastfeeding was as I prepare to bring a new baby into the world soon. Hopefully the experience I had with Emma goes better with #2, but we will see. I am also glad that I am no longer her sole provider of food. THAT was pretty taxing on me.

3) I tear up every time I think about having to take Emma to daycare in September. I feel so blessed to experience every moment with her right now and am very sad that will be changing soon.
Daycare was hard at first, but she really loves school and all the socializing. I'm glad she adjusted so very well. Hopefully she adjusts just as easily when she starts her new school (and hopefully mommy adjusts too!)

4) As much as I love being home with Emma right now, I could not do this forever. Some days I
miss adult human interaction. Don't get me wrong, Emma's cool and all, but it's still pretty lonely sometimes. We've had tons of visitors and I try to go out as much as possible which has been a lifesaver. Larry takes her a lot just to give me a break. It's nice to be able to leave her with him so I can go out by myself for a few hours. I NEED time away from her sometimes. That kind of makes me feel bad. Plus I really miss working. My kids really do mean the world to me.
Ironically, this hasn't changed. I'm glad I work and that I changed jobs this year so I can spend more time with her. I need work in my life to be a better mom to her. I am greatly looking forward to my first summer off ever this year (24 school days to go!) and time to spend some quality time with my girl while it is still just her.

5) I have gotten pretty frustrated with Emma at times. I've had to be that mom that puts the baby down and walks away for a minute. I am to the point where I am okay to have to hear her cry sometimes. Unfortunately on days like today where I am going on Migraine Day 3, her crying has made my head want to explode and I feel like my patience are really wearing thin.
Three is a challenging age. Reminds me of these early days when my head wanted to explode. Now instead of crying, she talks back and negotiates. Fortunately we have trained her to take breaks in her room now too so we don't all kill each other. LOL.

6) I've definitely had those thoughts on hard days of, "What the heck have I done? My life was so much easier before." And then Emma smiles at me and I remember why I have her. =)
There is nothing her smiles still don't fix. On the roughest days, I rush home just to get some love from her.

7) Being a wife and a mom is hard. While I have tried to keep a balance, being a mom sure occupies most of me right now. Emma is my first priority and being her mom exhausts me. Staying bonded with Larry is so important because we both agree that we need to maintain a strong marriage to be better parents to Emma. He has been slammed with work and I've been so tired, it's become less frequent that we even eat together at the same time because our dinner time is when Emma refuses to sleep or be set down. I would say 6 until 9ish is her "fussy" time. Sometimes that time of day can be a big pain in the ass. Back to my original point, Larry is an awesome dad. He is great with the baby and helps out with her tremendously. Seeing him as a dad has made me even more proud to be his wife. I can't believe that this October will mark our 10 year anniversary...5 years married. *smile*
I still struggle to find the right balance in my life, especially now being pregnant again. I am so exhausted most of the time, it is hard to be who I need to be for everyone in my life, especially for Larry. I hope I can get better at that, since I seem to only know how to always put the kids first.
8) I don't miss sleep as much as I thought I would. But since Emma has been sleeping longer stretches at night, I am sleeping a bit more now these days. Too bad Emma grunts through the ENTIRE night sometimes, which does not make any stretch of sleep too restful. Trying to get her on more of a schedule now so my life can have SOME predictability.
Well, I can't say I am looking forward to going back those tiring newborn nights now that I have a big girl that sleeps all night in her big girl bed. I guess we all magically adjust when we have to!

9) While pregnancy was very kind to my body, I hate how everything fits me right now. Its not so much that I mind carrying around 10 extra pounds, but more that I just hate that everything I own is too tight due to my now wider hips and milk-filled bosom.
I really can't complain. Pregnancy was and IS good to me. After I had Emma, my only "battle scars" were incredibly saggy boobs (which were miniature to begin with anyways!) With Baby #2, I have very few complaints.
10) I can't wait to see what her future holds and to watch Emma grow up. I never long for the day that she is older or doing something more advanced because I want to appreciate each moment. They really do go by quickly. 
The growing up happened so much faster than I really could've imagined. I felt like I cherished every minute with her but it all passed before I could take a breath. I am so proud of the little girl she has become. She really is the best gift I could have ever asked for!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Babies, Mother's Day & Week 17

Last weekend, I got to meet this precious little boy, Mason Jonas. It was a much needed refresher after a loooooong week at work (and a tough one, at that!) He is such an angelic little sweetheart and I can't wait for Emma to meet him. His parents, Dave and Hilary, are over-the-moon happy and such amazing parents already. I can't wait to snuggle this pumpkin again soon!

Holding him DEFINITELY gave me baby fever! If I hadn't been pregnant already, I told Larry I would have demanded to make a baby as soon as I got back home! LOL

I decided to go mildly nerdy on this one. Since I had the same photo pose from my first and second Mother's Day with Emma, I forced her into the same pose for our third year together. LOL.

Mother's Day 2010
Mother's Day 2011
Mother's Day 2012 
I could barely hold her up this year!

 And here a few photos from our weekend.....

 She's finds interesting ways to entertain herself!

 All of her classmates at a birthday party on Saturday. I forgot my camera for party #2 to celebrate my dear friend, Kelly's daugher Aubrey's birthday. (Did I do all those possessive nouns correct?)

 Sunday zoo day with my two favorite peeps

 Smothering mommy was the theme of the day

 I love her!

This picture is gross, but it is going to have to do since Emma diligently posed (couch, toy and all!). I have been feeling very very tired still. I know that's not much to complain about, but the fatigue is seriously kicking my ass. I've also been more crampy than I was with Emma. Getting up and down seems to make my uterus pissed and my ligaments ache whenever I roll over or switch positions. Again, I am not complaining, just reporting. LOL. I made a visit to my chiropractor last week, which was HEAVENLY! I plan to make regular visits until I'm too fat to lay on the table. It alleviated the neck and lower back pain I've been having. Good thing he's gay cuz the moans coming out of that room as he cracked me were probably pretty gnarly sounding!

Friday will be a big day in the Lui my princess will be turning THREE! I don't know where the time has gone! Le sigh......

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Disneyland 2012

Best. Trip. Ever. This was our first family trip with all three of us, but I seriously could have not asked for a better three days! Exhausting, yes, but oh so worth it to see the fun Emma had. I already photobombed Facebook with 60 of my favorite photos from our trip, so here are just a few. Although I made fun of Larry for anal-ly planning out each day, it ended up working out perfectly. We never really had to wait long for most of the rides due to his meticulous planning. =) Emma was a PERFECT child, no whining, no tantrums, no begging for things. She was two inches shy of being able to ride some rides where she had to be 40" tall. Instead of crying, she practiced what mama taught her and put her hands up in the air and said, "Oh well." =) I just love her more and more every day! I don't think we could have done it all in less than 3 days. It was nice to not feel completely rushed, especially since walking fast makes my pregnant ass breathe a lot heavier these days.  It was hard to go back to work and reality after three days of magic. When I went to take Emma back to school on Wednesday morning after our trip, she looked at me with sad eyes and said, "Mom, I just feel very sad. I want our family to stay together ALL the time forever and ever and ever. Thank you for such a great trip." *sob*

My love bug!

    In the courtyard of our hotel with daddy

Day one, waiting PATIENTLY to check into our hotel. It was 4:30 by this time. We had been at the park since 9 and she had not even had a nap yet. "Mom, I will just prelax." (Yes, PRElax!)

Well, no nap didn't affect her energy level TOO much. Early birthday dinner at Blue Bayou.

Clearly becoming annoyed with all the photos, but flaunting the balloon she scored off a lady in the elevator of our hotel on the way back to the park!

     Goofy's Kitchen. She was really in awe of all of the characters. "Mom, the princess is REAL!"

             Emma: I will stand here for this picture but I am NOT going to look happy about it! =)

                She was exhausted! Didn't even make it back to the room before she passed out cold!

              I fear the day this child has a driver's license!

She really loved all the characters, which surprised me since she used to be so scared of them. Mickey mouse looked pretty "mini" to me!

   It really was three days of all smiles! She loved the firework lights in the headboard.

   This was round 3 on the carousel while daddy held our seats at "World of Color".

I was surprised that she loved the silver rocket thingy. (Hey, I'm pregnant, I don't remember names of anything these days!) Her smiles and laughter on this ride made me melt!

     "Mom, Handy Manny forgot all of his tools!"

The highlight of Emma's trip, the gorilla and baby statue in Tarzan's treehouse. LOL. All the fun, exciting stuff and she refused to leave the park until mommy walked up there with her to see this (after 3 visits with daddy already)!