We have been having a lot of problems with Emma's daycare. She has happily been there since she was three months old. However, getting bitten has been a chronic problem. She received her THIRTIETH bite report this week. Needless to say, I had had enough. I met with the director back in December. Since then, the same child has bitten Emma 6 more times, 4 which have broken the skin and caused little scars on her back. =( Larry was willing to come with me to yet another meeting, mostly to keep me from crying hysterically, dropping eff bombs, and telling them where to stick it. While he brought the "level-headedness" to the party, her daycare brought the stupidness to the party. Excuse after excuse for the biting, mainly blaming Emma for invading this other girl's personal space. They also claimed Emma was pushing and had attempted to punch this little girl unprovoked last week. Pretty pissed that this was the first time I had ever heard of this. After we left, Larry and I looked at each other in the parking lot and I knew we were in the same place..."This is bullshit. We need to find her a new school." So the hunt begins.
Daycare woes were stressful enough and after the meeting I had to scramble to work since I was already late. I had been having some weird cramping during the week but didn't think much of it. When I made a restroom stop after I got to work, I realized that I was now spotting. Great. A pretty symptomless pregnancy. Cramping. Now spotting. Sigh. Worry. Now uncontrollable sobbing. I called the triage nurse and got a voicemail. I couldn't keep it together so my co-workers Kelly and Denise banded together to cover my class and my hysterical self left work at 11 to head to the lab for some bloodwork. I was sad they couldn't (or wouldn't) do an ultrasound to ensure that the baby was okay. The spotting didn't concern them but the sharp pain cramping did. Step one was bloodwork on Wednesday. Follow up with more bloodwork on Friday. Levels would be compared to see "if pregnancy was progressing or terminating." The worst phrase I could have ever heard. I was told I'd hear no official lab results until Monday. Such an eternity away. I heard back from the doctor on Thursday and initial labs looked great. HcG (preggo hormone) levels were almost 62,000. Apparently over 25 is a positive pregnancy. Progesterone levels were high enough to rule out ectopic and double what they hoped to see. They assured me that they thought everything would be fine. The cramping and spotting had subsided and nothing weird has happened over the past few days. They suspect that I might have adhesions on the outside of my uterus from my years and years of gnarly endometriosis that might be rupturing as my uterus is expanding, causing the sharp pains and spotting. I am feeling a bit more at ease, but still anxious to know that levels are increasing as planned and even more anxious for our first appointment so I can SEE that this little bean is healthy.
To take my mind off of things, we decided to take advantage of free admission for me and half off admission for Larry for Teacher Appreciation at Legoland. It was a PERFECT day. 72 degrees in Carlsbad. Sunny. Emma was perfect and had so much fun.

It was just what I needed. Now we just wait and hope Baby Bean shapes up. I hope my "aggressive pusher" AKA Emma shapes up at school too until we find another placement!
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