I will spare you the gory details but my ultrasound was NOT pleasant due to the position of my retroverted uterus, so this was the best photo they could get of the baby before I demanded that they take that wretched wand out of my hoo-hah. The dotted line goes from head to booty and there he/she is....Baby Lui #2. =) Everything looks great and my "official" due date is October 20. I feel so relieved now that the appointment has passed. We were able to see and hear the heartbeat and see this cute gummy bear looking "child" on the screen. It is still so surreal even after going through it once. =) But NOW I believe that we have been blessed with the honor of becoming parents again.
I continue to feel great, albeit EXHAUSTED. I would almost call this a symptomless pregnancy so far. I feel pretty lucky. I like to eat A LOT. Saurkraut, hamburgers, hard-boiled eggs, skittles, jelly beans, orange juice (with lots and lots of pulp), soup, Chick-Fil-A, spicy spicy anything. I could pretty much eat anything. I feel like chewing food expends more energy than I actually have. Spring break in one more week. Thank goodness.
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