Friday, March 2, 2012

Emma is my heart

Kids say the darndest things! The other day while playing ball with Daddy, Emma dropped the ball and started walking away. Larry said, "Hey, I still want to play ball with you!" Emma stopped, turned around and very matter-of-factly stated, "It's not always about you. Sorry." And proceeded to walk away. LOL I usually try to keep a straight face when she is being sassy, but Larry and I both started busting up laughing. She is a hilarious child. Some of my other favorite statements of her's:

"I don't have all day mom. I've been waiting since Tuesday."
"Give me another moment." (when waking up in the morning)
"Oh dear. I just can't remember." (when asked how her day at school was)
"Please just give me my space." (when I smother her with kisses)

I know I am partial, but she really is the best kid. She is pretty easy going, although full of attitude. She must get that from dad....heh heh. She is very excited about becoming a big sister. She talks to my belly and blows "blueberries" (yes, I know they are called raspberries) on my belly for her "Baby Bean." She came up with that name all on her own. We remind her that Baby Bean won't be here until it is close to Halloween time, which she randomly shouts out sometimes. I love her so so much. Now I just need to get through this crazy hectic Friday work day so I can enjoy a little family time this weekend, a baby shower for some of our dearest friends, and pthhhh...progress reports. 17 more loooooooooong days until I can confirm that a)there is only one child in my already popping out belly and b) there is a healthy living being with a heartbeat in my constantly hungry belly.

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