Here it is folks. The big belly shot (even though I'm still measuring small). 3 weeks left until D-Day. Yep, starting to feel like a bowling ball is between my legs and this kid is going to fall out any day. This all made more sense after my doctor's visit last week when they informed me that Oliver's head is so low that I may not even make it another week before delivering. Me=sudden freak out mode.

The basketball belly =)
Up until this point, I have actually been feeling okay but now life is just kicking my ass. I am sooooo tired, it is almost unexplainable. I don't remember feeling so tired with Emma but I also didn't have an Emma to run after when coming home and could nap whenever I felt like it. Naps happen in my life if I'm lucky to catch a few zzz's while Emma is napping on the weekends.
I wish my overachiever teacher brain would disappear and then I would probably feel more at ease. Fall babies are not the easiest for us teachers. Ask most of your May/June birthday friends and I guarantee that most of their parents were teachers. =) It is just a more "convenient" time to go out of work. Leave, have a baby, have the summer off and return to start fresh for a new school year. Well, I'm currently understaffed in my class and have been fighting to try to get another assistant before Oliver arrives because I don't want a totally effed up schedule and psycho students when I come back from maternity leave. Reality is, once I return, I still have FIVE months to finish out the school year and I don't want to come back to a hot mess. Things have not exactly gone my way in the "get all the ducks in a row" department so I am having to exercise my use of "OH WELL" at least 10 times a day. I am at the will of this baby. If my schedule sucks, oh well. If they place an idiot in my class, oh well. If I don't finish IEP meetings early because it "is the responsible thing to do", oh well. If I come back to a hot mess after the baby, oh well. Ugh, sorta sick of saying oh well all the time when I have TRIED to be so proactive. Yeah yeah, oh well.
So now that I am in official freak out mode at the realization that my son can be here ANY day now, I kicked it into high gear and finished most last minute things for Oliver. It's amazing how devoted we could be to preparing for Emma and well, things were not as well laid out for this little man. At least his room is finished. And his clothes are washed. And the hospital bag is finally packed. Here are some pics of the nursery transformation.
Mama and Emma shifting from green to blue
Not so kid-safe yet....
Oliver's clothing explosion post baby shower =)
Painting completed, dresser built and filled with tiny baby boy clothes
Crib built and being kept warm by the giant bear that Emma got from Uncle Kenny for her birthday and is too freaked out to actually have in her room
Hawaiian flavored curtains sewn by Larry's mom =)

Now I'm just waiting for this wall decal from Etsy arrive to apply to the wall over his dresser. His name will be white instead of blue =)
I'm not going to rush to be unpregnant but I must say that triple digit weather and being super pregnant has not been the highlight of my life. I go to the doctor tomorrow for another checkup and Friday may just be my last day of work (a week earlier than originally planned). One day at a time right now, but so so eager to meet Oliver soon!
ReplyDeleteI know these last few weeks have been hard on you. I know that you wanted everything completed for your classroom but OH WELL!!! You need to take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. I can't believe how low you are carrying Oliver. No wonder you are so uncomfortable.
Your lil man will be here soon and then the FUN will begin.
Love you,
Mom and Raimond