Me: "I'm sick of false labor." (I thought we were going to end up in labor and delivery the night before because I had been having contractions 6-7 minutes apart for about 2 hours, but then they stopped)
Dr: "Yeah, that's typical. Good practice for your uterus."
Me: "My back is killing me."
Dr.: "Labor is probably coming soon. Do you have any questions?"
Me: "Yep, can you tell me when this kid is coming out? They've told me the past couple weeks that I wouldn't make it through the weekend and welp, here I am."
Dr: "Well, perhaps I can give you a better idea today after I check you."
Me: "Oh yeah, about this whole 'checking' thing. Good luck finding my cervix. They've had a hard time getting to it the past couple weeks because little mister's head is blocking the way."
Dr: perplexed look, "Well lets see where we're at....." After a moment, "Woah, how are you still pregnant!? His head is practically falling out! Well you're 2 cm dilated (cervix was closed at previous appointment) so I think he'll be here by the weekend." =)
We went ahead and scheduled an induction for next Thursday Oct 25th in case he has not arrived yet. I feel like giving my kids deadlines speeds their ass along. =) However, after another long night last night of contractions on and off, a gnarly back ache and the icky falling out of the mucous plug since last night, I have a feeling we will be having a baby either today or tomorrow. I am excited and scared shitless all at the same time. Experiencing labor once gives you some degree of "expectations" and now I have Emma on my mind all the time too and how to keep things consistent for her.
She has been a bit more challenging lately. I'm sure she senses that her baby brother will be here soon and life as she knows it will be changing. She is extra clingy with mommy, excessively defiant and pretty emotional. Any redirection lately has sent her into a crying spiral. It has been hard to be patient with her but I know she needs me to be as patient as possible right now (easier said than done!) I am excited to see her as a big sister and to watch my kids grow up together. I know she will be amazing and we will all need time to adjust but things will work themselves out. She is also a pain about taking pictures so that is why I don't have very many lately. Here are a few from our trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday.
She is such a cheese ball!
"Fine, I'll sit with you but I'm not looking at the camera!"

Perhaps the last belly shot?
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