Thursday, October 11, 2012

Now we wait

39 weeks. My last day of work was Tuesday. Tuesday was a kick my ass kind of a day. No amount of planning or prepping was going to make it easy for me to relinquish control of my classroom for the next three months. Emma was an angel and hung at at work with me from 4 until 7 when I finally threw in the towel. "Mommy, I feel very hungry now." So after feeding her three mini cupcakes from my students, I got her a McDonald's Happy Meal and called it a day. Great parenting, right?

I got home. Let out a sigh. Laid in bed with Emma for a bit before I fell asleep. Woke up and crawled into my own bed. Cried away all of my stress. Fell back asleep and then woke up with a gnarly sore throat to begin my maternity leave ill. Clearly the weight of the world finally caught up to me. I keep telling myself super teacher needs to go hibernate and mommy mode needs to come back to the forefront. Maybe now that I am officially un-allowed in my classroom I will actually relax until my son arrives. Yeah have all met me before. =)

Yesterday I had a checkup at the doctor. The cervical checks at this point seriously suck due to my posterior cervix and Oliver's big head being in the way. He is still super low but I am not dilated. The best way I could describe it to Larry is like having someone repeatedly hitting my crotch with an aluminum baseball bat and that throbbing pain just being a part of my constant state of being. Don't be jealous. =) My Group B strep also came back positive. Apparently this only occurs in 30% of women which just means they will administer IV antibiotics before I deliver so it doesn't pass along to the baby. Buuuuut, I'm allergic to penicillin and apparently they didn't do a "sensitivity test" to the Group B culture so they had to obtain another culture so that they could determine which antibiotic to give me that would not be resistant. So I fall into this 30% category and apparently only 20% of women have Rh-negative blood which requires a shot right after delivery and yep, I have that too. I am just so special. =) I go back to the doctor next week if I am still pregnant. That was maternity leave day 1.

Day 2. I realized that I hadn't gotten all of the components of Emma's Tinkerbell costume yet. So I did that this morning. I hadn't "preadmitted to the hospital". Check. Needed to finish some testing protocols for work. Check. Reimbursement forms finally filled out. Check. Oh yeah those PTA membership dues that the teacher rep on the board should PROBABLY pay. Check. I topped that off with catching up on Season 4 of Parenthood and now I am a sobbing mess of awesomeness. I will just patiently wait.

1 comment:

  1. I am exhausted just reading the blog! I knew you wouldn't be sitting at home with your feet up and eating bon bons. :-) You are so my daughter.

    Try to rest and enjoy this special time with Emma. Backup is on its way.

    Love you,
    Mom and Raimond
